Moose played Eddie for an extraordinary 10 years, where he garnered a reputation for stealing scenes even from the shows main star Kelsey Grammer who allegedly even threatened to leave at one point unless they got rid of the animal.
In 2003, Animal Planet ranked Eddie the Dog fifth in its 50 Greatest TV Animals special, behind only Lassie, Kermit the Frog, Flipper and Mr. Ed.
"He was extremely mischievous, always escaping, chewing up things and running off." his trainer, Mathilde Halberg told People magazine.
Eddie and Aaron Spelling in the same weekend.....showbiz has lost a couple of the greats this week!!
Too true Cubaboy. Check out the latest episode of 2IGTV for a poignant retrospective look at the work of the great Mr. Spelling.
Folks, this is just another example of the rampant petism exhibited by the Colonel. How come Eddie doesn't get a mention in 2IGTV? did he not make more of a contribution to showbiz then Mr. Spelling?, both where equally furry and wrinkly, the only difference was that Eddie enterained us, God Damn it.
"Justice for Eddie!"
2IGTV was recorded on Monday, June 26th at 21:00. This News Story where I discovered the death of Eddie was posted after we recorded the episode but in time to be posted after midnight on The Colonel's Eagle.
I'll publically admit I dislike animals, I've never had a pet nor have I ever desired one, but I refute any Petism allegations.
So Colonel, I have one question to ask, regarding your whereabouts on the night of Jun 26th 2006 between the hours of 9 and 12pm?
For the record, do you admit to making the followng statement?,
"I'll publically admit I dislike animals",
So Ladies and Gents of the Jury, We have established that the Colonel had both the oppertunity and motive to end the life of poor, poor Eddie. What more do you need, evidence? Bah, String the Rabid Petist up I say.
As my Jag defense lawer said at a court-martial some years ago: "There's no need to to taint any investigation into this legendary patriot's (me) alleged crimes with evidence".
While I admit not to liking animals yes, I can say that I was here editing this page on Monday during the time you mentioned. If you bothered to do your research you'd have learned that wherever I was on Monday is pedestrian as Eddie died on the previous Thursday night.
Ah so you admitting knowing the precise time and date of the murder and if the murder took place last Thursday the 22nd of Jun 2006 but you attempted to hide this fact by only reporting your crime on Monday the 26th of Jun 2006, when you could provide a flimsy alibi, how convenient for you! Think carefully before answering Colonel, that Dog had a lot of powerful friends.
I don't need to think carefully. I do not know the exact time, nor have I reported the exact time of Eddie's death on Thursday 22nd. No one in the media reported it until Monday (June 26th) evening for reasons which are unknown to me. While my own report did beat many prominent "entertainment news" web publications; it does not prove I had any “foreknowledge” of the pooch's death. Your 'evidence' is poorly constructed, circumstantial and most of your statements are inaccurate and ill-researched. I've walked away scott-free from more damning cases against me than this, so you have utterly failed. Run away whimpering now, while I'll still allow you.
I notice that you still did not denie the Murder charge....
I don't have to, the dog died of old age.
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