Wednesday, May 08, 2013

UFO hearings in Washington nothing but cry for attention

That 100 seconds of madness was brought to you by The Citizen Hearing on Disclosure [CHD], a week-long event that began on April 29th at the National Press Club in Washington D.C. with the aim of gaining traction for a movement demanding that the U.S. government come clean about Extra-Terrestrials. The $600,000 event which was free and open to the public, took the form of a simulated congressional hearing just like those conducted a few blocks away on Capitol Hill. Interestingly the “hearings” were presided over by some who have a wealth of experience - six former members of congress!

Former U.S. Rep. Roscoe Bartlett and five of his former colleagues, former Senator Maurice Gravel and former representatives Lynn  Woolse, Carolyn Kilpatrick, Darlene Hooley and Merill Cook presided over 30 hours of testimony delivered by about 40 individuals associated with the Paradigm Research Group, which works "to advocate in all ways possible for an end to a government imposed truth embargo of the facts surrounding an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race." Bartlett doubts we have Extra Terrestrials among us bet he said he’s keeping an open mind and would consider people quite “arrogant to assume we're the only intelligent life in the universe."

Colonel "Whopper" Creedon, UNETIDA's Director of Intelligence said that the conference initially had concerned his organisation due to the fact that some "witnesses" may be interpreted as credible and the fact that it's location and members may spark "unhealthy" media interest. Creedon lamented the fact that as a UN representative he had to uphold Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights because often "free speech is more trouble than it's worth".

UNETIDA need not have worried however, for all intents and purposes most major news outlets completely ignored the event with only The New York Times delivering a bland report and British leftist rag The Guardian treating it derisively, paying more attention to the $20k the committee members were paid for their appearances than any of the "evidence". Additionally, Yahoo News all but laughed out loud. What's worse is that even conspiracy-nut haven sites like Ghost Theory were just as dismissive of "the CHD’s futile attempt at legitimizing their mission. They seem disorganized, ill-equipped, and without a clue as to what they really want from the government." 

Of particular note Ghost Theory also highlighted the testimony of once-esteemed Canadian Defence Minister Paul Hellyer who laid out "a litany of charges including accusing the US Government of harbouring two living ET.s". This was also the man who in 2005 accused President Bush of plotting an "Intergalactic War". "That's utterly ridiculous" added Colonel Creedon who served a tour in the White House as Military Assistant to the Deputy National Security Advisor for Extra-Terrestrial Defence during the Bush Administration "VP Cheney never involved President Bush in the Intergalactic War plans".

Source: Bruce Russell via Huff Post
Additional: The Guardian / The New York Times / Ghost Theory

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