Wednesday, November 04, 2009

And the winner of the Hallowe'en Baby Costume is...

The Alien Chestburster Baby


Bruce Russell said...

Faith and Begorrah!

And here I thought Clark's Tigger costume was the cat's pajamas . . .

Unknown said...

I have a dream that should there ever be a mini Cubaboy that I would dress him as either a brown shirt and a member of the KKK, surely my black/jewish/homosexual neighbours would get the joke?? Sure if they didn't I could always burn a cross on their lawns??

vaughan said...

the child seems to be saying

"Please send Help...sennnd heellllp!"

Constance said...

Help, yes indeed. That poor baby has no idea of her internet infamy.

I'd like to point out that this was clearly a dad-chosen costume, and any one of you freaks may have chosen the same! Poor Baby Clark only got away with Tigger because Bruce didn't think "gee, my baby should be dressed as the alien chestbuster."