Thursday, June 25, 2009

Children of the world rejoice...

... one of your Bogeymen is gone forever. Gone is the yelping, the unnecessary fingertip bandages and the jeweled gloves, even in the middle of summer.


Civilian Overseer said...

Zhing!, the Sky news reporters are talking about the three children he had...

Colonel, what precisely did you have to do with the slaying of the King of Pop/Bogeyman?

Constance said...

Those lucky children!

vaughan said...

Notice how the Colonel doesn't mention any names's ok Colonel the dead can't sue! still every bloody program this morning has been going on about his passing, Every Music Channel is showing the same bloody programme hosted by David Guest..(which just shows how few channels are actually independent of MTV) and all the main news services have forgotten Iran and the affairs of the Governor of South Carolina (Handily for the Colonel on both cases) in order to mark the passing of this Giant....still funniest thing this morning a certain news journalist asked on his programme "Will he be remembered in the same breath as the Beatles?"
Answer...."No of course not!"

Civilian Overseer said...

One thing is for certain, they are going to have a hard time buring that chick from Charlie's Angels. She'll be spinning with jealously before they even put her in her grave. ;)

Constance said...

Now Billy Mays is mysteriously dead.