Sunday, January 04, 2009

It was a meteor?

On Monday, Dec 29th last, at her home four miles west of Tok, Alaska, Kathy Olding was loading a large sled with firewood to haul to her house when she was startled by an explosion. "I thought, what in the world?" Turning her eyes to the sky, Olding saw the oddest contrail. "It was just like somebody took a pen and made a white cloud that went up and down and up and down and squiggly," she said, describing the pattern.

Others who witnessed the phenomenon called 911. People reported hearing and feeling an explosion in the air, but no one called in about debris falling from the sky, said Sgt. Freddie Wells, the state trooper on duty at the time. "It seemed to appear like smoke, or a dust cloud," he said. Fearing some sort of airplane disaster, Wells had his dispatcher call the FAA who confirmed that it was a meteor.

But was this a misdirection? For the remainder of the week, there were sporadic reports of low flying helicoptors nearby at nighttime. And during the early hours of the morning Friday, Jan. 2nd; the sound of a dozen military helicopters disturbed the Tok townsfolk. Finally at 08.15 local time, Lt. Colonel "Whopper" Creedon of UNETIDA approached and assured the residents that there was no problem and he and his men were on a "training exercise." They quickly bundled themselves and some large metal boxes into the helicoptors and promptly left.

Read more @ FoxNews / Full Report at Ancorage Daily News


Anonymous said...

Errr why is the Colonel dressed like a Han Solo on Hoth Action Figure from 1981?

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't put it passed the Lt.Col to have pulled in some favors and arranged what is going on in Gaza as a distraction to cover this incident.

Bruce Russell said...

What they saw was the planet Venus. Light from the planet Venus reflected through swamp gas. That, plus other harmful atmospheric phenomena . . .

Anonymous said...

Bruce, Don't forget the weatherballon!

Anonymous said...

Clearly he was converting the snowspeeders. Or... whatever.

Anonymous said...

Connie, the Lt.Col would never consort with rebel scum.

Anonymous said...

With a little dab of paint you too can own a Colonel Creedon "Operation Alaska Recovery" action figure! :)

Anonymous said...

as long the colonel does not "Mount atop a shaggy tautaun " (cue sound effect of animalistic groan) like Han Solo did in the Empire strikes back audio storybook from 82 then we'll be ok!

Anonymous said...

Civvy, I am still in vacation coma. I was hoping that "or whatever" might induce the individual reader to come up with something pithy on my behalf.

Didn't work, did it?

Anonymous said...

Connie, where's your commitment?, Put some Pep in your Step and show some heart. ;)

Anonymous said...

Civvy, if you actually read what I wrote any more you would know that in addition to Christmas Coma I am also in "New Puppy Sleep Deprivation."

Anonymous said...

Connie, I can top that, I'm still in a teething induced coma, but congratulations on the new Puppy. Don't tell the Lt.Col he fears the cute and cuddly. ;)

Lieutenant General Creedon said...

I've been more afraid of cute & cuddly since I saw a little Iraqi girl give a "present" of an IED hidden in a Teddy Bear to Gunner Pechersky!...

... after an hour we found one of his dog tags.

Anonymous said...

Admit the truth Lt.Col, that teddy was meant for you, you ordered Pechersky to his death.

Justice for Gunner Pechersky!