Monday, May 26, 2008


I'm all packed up to go on vacation for a few days. Normal service will resume upon my return.


Anonymous said...

Obviously the Lt.Col has some wet work to take care of?
Try not to over exert those muscles :)

(ok, thats a really bad but deliberate pun)

Anonymous said...

Only one ammo clip and no grenades?, Thats keeping it old school.

Anyone able to work out the Lt.Col's holiday destination from the map?

If not, keep your eyes on Fox news for a report on some country's national momument going up in smoke, (Like last year), it's a good bet the Lt.Col is sending postcards from there.

Anonymous said...

As per previous post, my hints are there, and I've sent the Lt.Col my statement of where the map shows. He hasn't replied, so theres obviously a red-head involved?

Anonymous said...

Constance! NOOOOOOOO!

Anonymous said...

No I-Pod, and only minimal ammo...methinks that the Colonel will have some company on this holiday.... Overseer, i think you are right! CONSTANCE....RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!!!

Anonymous said...

Clearly the Lt.Col intends to colonise N.America. The only man who can stop him is Mr.Campbell. Quick to the Bruce signal.

Anonymous said...

Lt.Col, explain your actions! When did you add the links to Hitlery's and Barack Hussein Obama?

Lieutenant General Creedon said...

@ Sithy: Great pun, keep it up, ROTFLMFAO etc. (Sarcasm)

@ Civvy: A dozen rounds of .45ACP is more than adequate for personal defence while on holiday. Normally you're only allowed a 9mm Beretta 92F as a personal off-duty sidearm - but I'm not "normal".
Sithy worked out one of my destinations from that obscured Google-Earth printout and he's British! You should be ashamed!

@ Sithy (again): You know too much.

@ Civvy (again) & Pint Of: Poor Constance, targeted only for being a Redheaded Obama-loving Yank who happens to visit this blog on occasion!

Constance, you have my deepest apologies for the statements of my "friends".

@ Sithy (last comment): It is illegal for a serving military officer to make overt statements favouring one side over another in a current political conflict; to encourage through power of command and/or influence a course of action that would favour one camp in such a conflict.

So to prevent me for being court-martialled again, I must display links to all candidates in the US Presidential Election even though my allegiance may only be to one.

Anonymous said...


I'm not "normal"

Yes, thats an established fact, but I am glad that you finally have accepted it.

Sithy worked out one of my destinations from that obscured Google-Earth printout and he's British! You should be ashamed!

As a mere Politican I could never dream of the awesome power of the Sith. Ashamed?, far from it, I commend rather than comdemn Sithy for his Brituality.

For far to long HomoBrituals have had to hide their nationality from the fear and resentment of other countries. Particularly the French, Yes, Lt.Col you and your cheese eating surrender monkey cohorts won't get away with your Britphobia on my watch. What you have to realise is that Sithy was born a Brit, he didn't chose to be one, George Lucas made him that way.

Ashamed?, I am proud!, Proud to count such a paragon of the Darkside as my learned colleague and dare I say it..., Pal.

As for Connie, havn't you done enough to that poor naive girl?.

I must display links to all candidates in the US Presidential Election even though my allegiance may only be to one.

Surley as a Marine, your allegience is to Unit, Corp, Country, God but it appears that you are saying that in your eyes McCain comes before any of these. Shocking, truly Shocking, Whopper's preference is for a hoary old man rather than Lady Liberty. I am just saddened and appalled.

Anonymous said...

Colonel, your apologies are appreciated but not necessary. I always enjoy hearing a good yarn. Especially when it makes me sound so much more interesting than my book-toting, Sunday-School-teaching, hair-up-in-a-bun self.

Your friends have some excellent imaginations!

Overseer, I'm so glad you're back to calling me Connie. Only my oldest and fondest friends call me that :)

Anonymous said...

Connie, to quote a Vulcan pal of mine, "You have always been my friend" ;)