Saturday, November 08, 2008


I found a lovely E-Mail in my Inbox tonight that I must share with you...

Cindy and I would like to take a moment to thank you for your loyal and steadfast support during the course of this campaign. Governor Palin, her husband Todd, our families, friends and campaign staff extend our deep appreciation for your tireless dedication, support and friendship.

It is the end of a long journey and your support through the ups and downs has meant more to us than you may ever know. Although we were disappointed with the results, we must move beyond this campaign and work together to get our country moving again.

It is our sincere hope that you will join us in putting our country first and continue to work to keep our nation safe, free and prosperous. We urge you to join us in not just congratulating Senator Obama, but offering our next president our good will and earnest effort to find ways to come together as a nation.

Whatever our
differences may be, we are all fellow Americans. We are truly blessed to live in this great country and call ourselves Americans, and we will forever be her loyal servants. Today, let there be no reason now for any American to fail to cherish their citizenship in this, the greatest nation on Earth.

With warm gratitude,

Cindy and John McCain

Click here for the transcript of McCain's concession speech.

It's only now that I'm coming to terms with the results of the election. On Wednesday morning I was the butt of many playful jibes and comments from friends at home and internationally. These ranged from printouts of Obama's face being erected in my field of vision to a notice on my chair reading "Reserved for President Obama." My good friend Darth Harrington even made light of an ad for Tescos 50% off sale on McCain Home Fries " -- I guess there's less a demand for them now, eh Creedon?"

But it's emails like this mass mail from Senator McCain, a personal word of comfort from friends and links like this that allow me, the looser, to come to terms with this political defeat. For someone with my military experience, being victorious in all major military campaigns I've been involved in, defeat has been extra hard and has taken it's toll physically and emotionally. Many future plans are now in tatters, so new ones will need to be formulated.

As Jon Stewart mentioned on his Nov. 5th show -- There is life after the Election. So it's time now to suck it up an move on... After we finish pointing the blame finger that is.

Source: John McCain / Fox News / CNN

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