Sunday, August 08, 2010

Spotlight on a traitor: Pfc. Manning

I hate whistle blowers. People who either stick their nose in where it doesn't belong and never learned to mind their own goddamn business, or people involved with something or someone far greater than themselves who, because they disagree with some decision or aspect of something, seek to destroy the whole thing or person because they get a snot.

It can't have escaped the attention of anyone following the news recently, that one such ignorant whelp, 22yo Private Bradley Manning, an intelligence analyst for the U.S. Army has allegedly forwarded some 91,000 classified battlefield reports and documents from the war in Afghanistan to the infamous whistle blowing website Wikileaks. Yes, this is the same muppett who released the "Collateral Murder" video of a U.S. airstrike killing civilians and two Reuters news agency workers in Iraq in 2007 earlier this year. It's no surprise to me that this type of person would do such a thing but what annoys me all the more is why was an individual with such deviant behaviour allowed to be in a position he was in without question?

While there are so many pro-gay anti-war clowns jumping to his defence by claiming he "did the right thing" in revealing the "evils" of the United States military and portraying him as a moral hero - the evidence suggests that he didn't do it out of any sense of duty or because it was the right thing to do, it was because he was a snivelling little turd going through a gender identity crisis and got miffed over the DADT policy, a policy he was well aware of when signing up and that he willingly and premeditatedly violated the tenets of his job and security clearance and then deliberately broke his sworn oath.

Manning has been charged with violating Article 92 and Article 134 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice. If convicted on all the charges, he could hopefully face a 52-year sentence. Congressman Mike Rogers, a former FBI agent who sits on the House Intelligence Committee, told a local radio station Monday that he thought the death penalty would be a more appropriate punishment for Manning "I argue the death penalty clearly should be considered here. He clearly aided the enemy to what may result in the death of US soldiers or those cooperating. If that is not a capital offense, I don’t know what is. We know for a fact that people will likely be killed because of this information being disclosed," he continued. "That’s pretty serious. If they don't charge him with treason, they ought to charge him with murder."

Now all branches of the U.S. armed services are issuing internal messages to all personnel barring them from visiting the WikiLeaks website. The one I read was from the Special Security Office of the Marine Corps Intelligence Department which threatens:

"By willingly accessing the WIKILEAKS website for the purpose of viewing the posted classified material - these actions constitute the unauthorized processing, disclosure, viewing, and downloading of classified information onto an UNAUTHORIZED computer system not approved to store classified information, meaning they have WILLINGLY committed a SECURITY VIOLATION."

"Not only are these actions illegal, but they provide the justification for local security officials to immediately remove, suspend 'FOR CAUSE' all security clearances and accesses. Commanders may press for Article 15 or 32 charges, and USMC personnel could face a financial hardship as civilian and contractor personnel will be placed on 'Administrative Leave' pending the outcome of the investigation.

At a news conference Thursday, Pentagon press secretary Geoff Morrell said the Defense Department is asking WikiLeaks to "do the right thing" and return the classified documents it posted which cover most units from the U.S. Army with the exception of most U.S. Special Forces' activities. The reports do not generally cover top secret operations or European and other ISAF Forces operations. However, Morrell did not say how the Pentagon would make the website do that. Meanwhile, WikiLeaks had posted a large encrypted file named "Insurance" to its website, sparking speculation that it was preparing another huge dump of classified documents. The file, which consumes 1.4 gigabytes, is 20 times larger than the batch of 77,000 secret messages about Afghanistan from last month and is secured by 256bit encryption.

Sources: Fox News / The Telegraph / The Washington Post / MarineCorps Times / Family Research Council / / Alaska Pride / Indymedia Ireland / / USN JAG Office / Wikileaks [earlier than Imposed ban from the Pentagon].

1 comment:

Former Grunt said...

52 years? That's getting off lightly for putting American servicemen's lives as well as Afghan allies and their families at risk. I was full sure treason carried the death penalty.