Friday, May 29, 2009

Lets hope they're not sorry...


Anonymous said...

Hi how are you?
I was looking through your blog and found it interesting and wanted to leave you a comment.

I hope you will visit my art blog, and become friendly.
Hope to hear from you soon,
Jesse Noe

Constance said...

Dear Jesse,

Hi, how are you? I was just going to ask my friends who regularly post here on this blog if they thought that it was just us who read and commented or if there were other people who read but did not comment.

It is interesting that you have a very different take on life but you have posted here. Would you like to share about that? I would like to hear that story.

Bruce Russell said...

Dear Jesse,

I would like to live in a world full of taffy and unicorns. I bet you would, too. Let's go hug some strangers! Yay!

Your pal,

Jigsaw said...

There is a lot of love here today! It may even bring a tear to the Colonel's he lines up a sniper shot of course!!

Unknown said...

Did anyone view this sick fuck's profile, included in his interests are "eating pussy", "clit" and "tits".

You really get all kinds of fucking nut jobs posting on this site!

Constance said...

Look, I was serious! What kinda people are reading this stuff?

Bruce: You are a bad man! Yes, I know. I'm not the first person to say it to you and probably not even the first one to say it today! Mr. "I'm so smart with my three rivers comments"!

Cubaboy: I can't fault a man for being interested in those things. Or doing something about it. For me to do so would be like a guy saying "Yeah, I don't like getting blowjobs. They're just the worst." No man in the history of ANYTHING has EVER uttered those words.

Great. And now you made me write "blowjob" on a public forum on the Internet.

sith master said...

And not just the once did she write it!
So her journey to the Dark Side will be complete!

Constance said...

I was trying to avoid pointing that out!

Bruce Russell said...

Glad to see I didn't miss anything while in the hospital getting my gallbladder carved out!

sith master said...

Glad to hear you're out from the carving. Do you now have the offending item in a small jar in your fridge?

Constance said...

Yes Bruce, and it appears that you have conclusively proven that the gall bladder is NOT in fact the organ responsible for smartassery. You know, since you're missing yours.

Lieutenant General Creedon said...

@ Bruce: Please it up with the stones and ship them to me ASAP. The cloning experiments must begin immediatly.