Wednesday, November 05, 2008

McCain Concedes


  1. Priceless image Colonel. :)

  2. Lt.Col, Get yer damn dirty, Jack Soaked, Slobbering Lips off Old Glory!. ;)

  3. Look here, Civvy - I was going to say the same thing! And confess to you that I fell asleep with the laptop nearby, and the photo of Creedon weeping boozy tears onto Old Glory was the first thing I saw this morning.

    I don't know when I'll recover!

  4. Connie, I agree, it's quite unacceptable behaviour from a serving fictional officer of the US marine corps, in fact, I reckon it’s a court martialling offence. I believe the charge should be “Conduct unbecoming an Officer”.

  5. There is a similar picture of me floating around, except in my photo, I'm naked.

  6. Bruce Send it to Connie, it will take her mind of the Lt.Col

  7. It's okay, Bruce. I understand. Rob Riggle had to take his pants off.


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Semper Fi
Lieutenant General "Whopper" Creedon