Thursday, November 23, 2006

Paris Pukes Rather Than Sing Own Song

What a headline eh? It's true!* Apperently at some rap performance by Shawn 'Jay-Z' Carter, she shocked the Las Vegas nightclub revellers when she got up to perform but ended up vomiting on stage instead.

Joshua Radin was among the guests who went to a nightclub... "Paris Hilton was sitting next to me the whole night. She must have pulled a compact out of her bag every six minutes to stare at herself and pose..."

Radin continued that Hilton had been imbibing straight vodka for hours. When Jay-Z left the stage, she got up on stage prepared to lip sync two of her "songs", vomited on stage and then just left.

Sheer class.

*May not be true. Dont sue me.


Anonymous said...

What is it with you and Paris Hilton. Are you tryin to get her to endorse your Bunker?

Anonymous said...

My willie pukes when I think if Paris Hilton

Anonymous said...

If he's looking for endorsement, he should get a different picture - this one is suffering from repeated usage?!

Anonymous said...

Fair pair of tits.
Are they real?

Anonymous said...

A history lesson:

The reason we drive on the left.
Napolean was left handed, therefor when riding his horse he rode on the right-hand side of the road/alley/whatever, to keep his left-hand-sword-arm free.

Napolean never conquered England/scotland/Ireland, therefor the majority (right-handed people) carried on the tradition of riding/walking on the left, to keep their right-hand-sword-arm, free.

Nothing to do with subjugation. The freedom from Napoleonic laws, which currently is reflected in many other ways in Ireland, is the maintenance of once common-sense Europe-wide practices, upheld by English strength.

What would you have, do you seriously want, French Laws?

Anonymous said...

Is Paris French?
French nickers?

Anonymous said...

Do the "Hilton" hotel group have a Hilton hotel in Paris.
Sithy wants a "Hilton" in Paris.

Lieutenant General Creedon said...

@ Aaron: I'll admit to being somewhat fascinated by the antics of someone so dense as well as rich. She's the last person I'd want to endorse the place - the first would be either Dale Dye or R.Lee Emrey.

Anonymous said...

Lt.Col I'm suprised you don't have a link to Ms.Hilton's hit video on Youtube,"Hilton, A Night in Paris".

Lieutenant General Creedon said...

I'm surprised you thought I'd degenerate this fine Blog with such nonsence.

..erm... is it on Youtube? :P

Anonymous said...

Only 400,000 dowloads so far! ;)

Lieutenant General Creedon said...

I thought she was more popular than that- that's about equal to the Phatom Menace trailer after 10 days online in 1998...

Perhaps I'm not giving her enough exposure? :P

Capt. Harmon Rabb said...

I think you should turn Whoppers Bunker into a no-holes-barred porn shrine dedicated to Paris.

Anonymous said...

More Proof that Rabb is the LtCol alter ego!, he wants to do what the LtCol most secretly desires!

Lieutenant General Creedon said...

No I think he just want me to do that to get another Article.133 agains me. Nice try Ensign!

Anonymous said...

This is amazing, watching the Lt.Col's spiraling descent into madness. Torn between the desire not to be caught, as evidenced by the Lt.Col personae yet driven by his twisted lusts for a Hilton skank, egged on the Rabb character.

He can't even keep the seperate identities straight anymore. Fascinating. Pass the popcorn.

Lieutenant General Creedon said...

No doubt the Civilian Overseer personae is the tie that binds this trinity together?