Monday, November 20, 2006

The Jedi are at it again!

Two British Jedi, Umanda and Yunyun are delivering a protest letter to The United Nations Association of Great Britain and Northern Ireland asking that the UN officially recognise what is Britain's fourth largest ‘religion’ with 390,000 followers after the last census.

"Like the UN, the Jedi Knights are peacekeepers and we feel we have the basic right to express our religion through wearing our robes, and to be recognised by the national and international community".

They want the UN International Day of Tolerance, which takes place annually on November 16 to be renamed the Interstellar Day of Tolerance’ to reflect millions of people across the globe who have chosen to follow the Jedi code as a religion and truly reflect social diversity.

See the full Daily Mail article here.


  1. Sithy, be so good to dispose of this rebel scum.

  2. *breaks window, pushing "pint of" out with Force Lightning*

    Of course, I'll be demanding equality for all.

  3. oh dear its the guy in the chewbacca suit who I feel sorry for . not actually good enough to be a jedi

  4. it's a step up from an ewok suit though!
    Bloody rock throwing little gits, besting 'crack' imperial troops :p

    Didn't the Colonel have a list of unofficial Jedi holidays?

  5. @ Sith: Why did you push Pint Of out, she only said the Jedi were SAD not the mighty Sith! She was succeptable to your evil ways (as she already has a sister who's a dark lord). With such foolish decisions like that it's no wonder there's no more than two in your entire organisation.

    @ Vaughan: Like all people who create religious idolotry, there has to be an underdog. George created a race of giant monkeys who were not force sensitive to be slaves and so they could eventually overthrow force-users and become masters of the galaxy. Its coming and you know it.

    @ Sith: I did for the anniversary of the opening of Star Wars in 1977 and for George's birthday etc. I've since misplaced it. Shame.

  6. Well, I've unofficially got 3 apprentices already - just waiting to see which shows most promise.

    No, 'pint of' was defenestrated as a request on the part of overseer - the blame lays on him... :)

  7. I think Overseer was referring to the folk in the robes and the Chewie suit- Again you let your hatred consume you- you can't see friend from foe now. Such is the way of the Sith.

  8. Indeed, you might say its similar to leaving men behind...

  9. Sithy, your incompetence baffles me, i don't know what it should at this stage, maybe you need to drink a few cans of a dark coloured beverage to make you more efficient? As you can see, "if you strike me down, i will become more powerful than you can imagine" and indeed i have! UNLIMITED POWER my ass!

  10. Ok, so now a second "pint of" has arrived?!

  11. No Sithy, I’m afraid I am still the same Pint Of, no reincarnations in the shower for me! You just failed in your pathetic attempt to silence me!

  12. I failed because you are obviously one of many clones of the original 'pint of'.

  13. Lt.Col, Sithy was acting according to my wishes. If I had wanted the Jedi Wanabees chastised, I would have said "dispose of this Jedi Scum" not "rebel scum"

    Sithy Good Work, We shall follow your career with interest.

    Pints It really doesn't pay to stand beside a big pane of glass when a Dark Lord of the Sith is in the general vicinity. I hope you have learned your lesson, Never be so foolish again.

  14. Unfortunately Overseer, you put your faith in the wrong person, Sithy is merely attempting to over dramatise the actual situation, much like most little boys do, having been thwarted by a girl! I would never be so foolish as to stand by window with that Muppet around; I did witness in the Jedi archive files what happened to Master Windu. Although, I don’t know if I should be pointing out the Sith’s inadequacies, maybe your overconfidence in the Dark side will become your ultimate downfall.

  15. It's amazing the threads that some folk run away with...

  16. Quite you, a mere Lt.Col should know better than to interrupt the conversation of his superiors.

    Pints, Unfortunately Overseer, you put your faith in the wrong person Entirely untrue, I place absolutely no faith in Sithy. He is but a young apprentice, albeit one, that shows far too much potential for his own good...

    maybe your overconfidence in the Dark side will become your ultimate downfall.

    Darkside?, why, I am merely a humble politican who loves democracy. ;)

  17. And here we hear 2 more words never before used in conjunction with each other, HUMBLE POLITICAN.

  18. Pints, you'll never learn, will you, sigh,

    *breaks window, pushing "pint of" out with Force Lightning*

  19. Whats this?!, I accidently wandered in here from another thread, to discover the charred and broken body of my dear friend Pint Of, surrounded by what looks like, lots and lots of broken glass, only the good clones get defenestrated young!. To cap it all the bounder that committed the foul deed upsurged my own identity, Sithy Not on, Not on at all.

  20. Nice try.... NOT! Missed again! That was only my reflection in the window! Learn to distinguish between reflections and real people please! Overseer, thank you for your "genuine" concern, much appreciated!

  21. Just popped in to see what was going on here...

    ..Carry on.

  22. Bored now... i have better things to do....

  23. Pints you're incessant flirtingly is bordering on harrassment!, Cease or face the wrath of a full investigation into your deviant behaviour!

  24. Sorry babes, but I’m not flirting with you, sorry to crush your fantasy but you will have to live in hope. But I would like to give you a little English lesson, you’re stands for you are, y o u r spells your! You’ll be getting a thesaurus from Santa then?

  25. Pints, No means NO!, stop trying to change my mine with Christmas treats.
    I'm simply am not interested.

    As for the elecution lessions, thats the way all the kids talk these days, get with it, Granny!

  26. Young People today, No respect for their elders! Also i assume it's your mind you don't want me to change, not your mine? or are there diamonds there???

  27. Also i assume it's your mind you don't want me to change, not your mine? or are there diamonds there???

    Pints, you've got to stop this crazy obsession, I'm not, yours, as you state(bolded) in the above quote. BTW, you're not your, "English, do you speak it?"

    Also, you'll get no diamonds from me, I've already made my commitments, you just came along too late!.


My life is on the line daily providing you with a cushy blanket of freedom which you can use to express yourselves in this area.
So don't say anything that'll make me have to delete your posts!

Semper Fi
Lieutenant General "Whopper" Creedon